Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty: the main stages of recovery
All people, both girls and men, want to look beautiful. And if the image can be created, then the appearance, unfortunately, cannot be so easily changed. In addition, the appearance of a person can change certain external factors, such as an accident, domestic injuries, burns.
To change your appearance and make it more beautiful and attractive, there is plastic surgery. However, a successful operation is only half the story, especially if the changes were made on the face. In order for it all to end and the person acquired a beautiful look, long-term rehabilitation after rhinoplasty is needed.
The postoperative period plays an important role in the recovery and further condition of the patient. However, many close their eyes to this and do not take it seriously, and therefore all sorts of problems arise after the intervention.
Rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery to change the shape of the nose, thanks to which people remove unwanted defects and drastically change their appearance. Rhinoplasty allows you to remove small defects, as well as completely change the shape of the nose.
Every patient who wants to resort to plastic surgery to change his appearance should understand that it will be necessary to go through a difficult period of recovery. It should be clearly understood that rehabilitation will not last a couple of days, but a month and maybe more.
The nose appears on the face more than all the other organs, so the manipulation on it can provoke complications and inflammation. Each organism has individual properties, therefore, recovery takes place in different ways. A doctor can only approximately guide the rehabilitation period.
Recovery after rhinoplasty: how to remove swelling and improve the patient's condition
After rhinoplasty the patient is discharged home, however, a person will have a long recovery after rhinoplasty. Within two weeks, you will need to wear a special bandage on the nose and often change tampons to remove blood. The bandage must be worn after removal of the hump and correcting the tip of the nose .
Turunds are surely inserted into the nostrils, which allow to correctly fix the shape of the nose and ensure its good healing.
- In the first days after rhinoplasty, fever may persist, the patient will feel weak and unwell, swelling and bruising will appear on the face, so it is best to provide bed rest.
- For quick healing, you can smear your nose with a healing ointment and clean your nostrils.
- During rehabilitation, any loads, sharp head tilts are prohibited.
After rhinoplasty, swelling often appears on the face, which can affect the eyes, cheeks and the nose itself. But you should not be afraid. Usually the swelling goes away within 10 days, leaving behind small bruises.
Sometimes it happens that a weak swelling can stay on the face for several months. At first, the tip of the nose will be numb, but over time it will pass.
After surgery, a small crook on the nose may form. In such cases, it is recommended to do a special massage. The hump is a cartilage that is calmly absorbed under the influence of a proper massage. During the massage, you must apply a special ointment.
Do not buy their own ointment on the reviews or tips on the forums. Mandatory consultation with a doctor. This can lead to bad consequences. All cases are individual and only a doctor can prescribe adequate treatment.
The recovery period after rhinoplasty lasts more than one day, so a couple of months it is not recommended to do mechanical cleaning of the face, not to wear glasses, and not to go to saunas and baths.
It is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of the doctor:
- Bed rest the first days after surgery, rest and peace of mind is preferable.
- Keep ice near the nose.
- Under the pillow put an additional roller to reduce puffiness of the face.
- There are liquid soups and cereals. Abandon spices, too hot or cold food.
- It is necessary to wash very carefully with cold water, so as not to wet the bandage.
- Alcohol is prohibited for at least
2-3 weeks, so as not to start bleeding. - Less talk and strain, not blow your nose, do not sneeze and do not laugh very much.
- It is forbidden to wear glasses and not to fall under the sun.
The doctor may prescribe certain exercises to improve the results of rehabilitation.
Stages of the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty
Recovery takes place in several stages. The first begins immediately after surgery and ends 7 days later. This rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty is the most difficult and painful.
Discomfort is delivered by tampons inside the nostrils, plaster on the nose. In addition, it is often necessary to clear the nostrils from blood clots so that you can breathe well. It is very hard to breathe at this time, it is almost impossible to wash and brush your teeth normally, as the entire face is inflamed.
To speed up healing, you can go to the hospital. However, at home, you can also clean your nose with special solutions.
The main thing is to do nothing without consulting a doctor. Edema can be formed not only on the nose, but also spread over the cheeks and chin. If rhinoplasty involved bone tissue, then swelling may appear around the eyes.
Often during the operation, the vessels burst and the whites of the eyes turn red. During this period, many people experience terrible depression and need the support of loved ones and relatives. In addition, there may be fever and dizziness, so bed rest is recommended for the first few days.
After seven days, the second stage of recovery and recovery begins. Plaster casts, stitches and internal applicators will be removed. Doctors have to wash your nose well to remove accumulated clots. After that, a person can finally breathe normally.
At the second stage, edemas gradually dissolve, bruises and redness disappear. By the end of 20 days after surgery, the swelling will decrease by 2 times. The nose will not look perfect yet. It may even be worse than before the operation.
The third stage starts from the third week and can last up to three months. During this time, all external edema must pass. During this time, the shape of the nose should already appear and acquire beautiful features. However, the tip of the nose and nostrils recover much longer. Crusts can form in the nose after rhinoplasty, which should heal themselves.
Well, the last, fourth stage. It can last 12 months. In addition, all sorts of changes can occur that will not always please the patient. At this time, all defects are corrected. However, other irregularities or asymmetry may appear. At this time, it is already possible to evaluate the results of surgical intervention.
After rehabilitation, all restrictions imposed on the patient during the recovery period are removed from the patient. After rhinoplasty, the nose becomes harder and not so flexible, therefore it requires some careful care. However, in order for the nose to heal as quickly as possible, it is necessary to adhere to all the recommendations of specialists.
Following all the advice of doctors can be much easier to go through the rehabilitation stage and make your appearance beautiful and attractive.