Adhesions after rhinoplasty: causes and methods of removal
Most people strive to be as attractive as possible, so many of them seek the help of a surgeon in order to enlarge the breast or improve the shape of the nose. World medicine, unfortunately, has not yet invented ways to hide the traces of surgical operations.
Rhinoplasty is one of the most complex surgical operations. When rhinoplasty is performed, the integrity of the tissues is impaired; therefore, complications can occur, as in any surgical intervention.
One of the types of such complications is the formation of scars and adhesions, i.e. fusion between surfaces that are devoid of epithelium. The patient's body is trying to heal itself, as a result of which the tissues begin to scar, starting the adhesive process.
Adhesions after rhinoplasty may occur in the following sections of the nose:
- different parts of the nasal cavity;
- front and middle parts;
- the area between the partition and the sinks;
- back wall of the cavity.
If adhesions after rhinoplasty of the nose are insignificant, then they do not interfere with breathing, and they do not appear outwardly.
But in the case of the formation of significant adhesions (or infections), the following symptoms will appear:
- labored breathing;
- significant deterioration of smell or even its complete absence;
- inflammation of the sinuses, the development of sinusitis;
- inflammatory processes in the lower respiratory system;
- neuralgia.
Removal of adhesions after rhinoplasty can be performed in the following ways.
- The dissection of adhesions mechanically. Dissection is performed with a scalpel or conchotome. In this case, the operation is performed under local anesthesia.
- Dissection of adhesions by laser. For excision, an argon or semiconductor laser is used. Under the influence of a laser beam, a coagulation film is formed, which minimizes blood loss during surgery. Dissection of adhesions after rhinoplasty with a laser occurs under local anesthesia.
Prevention of nasal adhesions after rhinoplasty
With respect to other formations in the nose, adhesions are prone to recurrence, with new formations can lead to deformation of the nose, the appearance of edema and bruising.
For this reason, special attention must be paid to preventing the appearance of adhesions.
First of all, it is timely treatment of concomitant respiratory diseases in a competent specialist, compliance with measures to prevent nasal injuries, follow the recommendations after surgery.
Why do scars appear after rhinoplasty
When performing rhinoplasty, it is always done by dissecting tissues, therefore, at the incision site, at the end of the procedure, blood is collected, which is subsequently replaced by scar tissue. Where a scar forms, over time, a thickening may occur, i.e. a scar.
The presence of a scar after rhinoplasty directly depends on the type of surgery - open or closed.
- With the open method, the incision is made in the area of Columella outside. As a result, a thin, barely noticeable scar can form, which disappears, as a rule, in a year.
- With the closed method, an incision is made inside the nasal cavity, and therefore, the procedure takes place without the formation of external scars by definition. In this case, internal scars can form, which sometimes become an obstacle to normal breathing. A similar situation arises, as a rule, only if the operation was performed by an unqualified surgeon.
The low professionalism of the doctor performing rhinoplasty can lead to the formation of hypertrophic scars, which negate the work of the surgeon.
Scars after rhinoplasty due to necrosis or infection of tissues are not formed immediately, but after a long period of time, affecting the result, when the aesthetic appearance of the face is unlikely to please the patient. To combat such scars after rhinoplasty use hormonal injections, dermabrasion, recovery by a laser.
To ensure that the scars do not cause anxiety after surgery, you should contact only an experienced surgeon and follow all recommendations related to the postoperative period for better recovery (wear a plaster cast, apply cold compresses, minimize physical exertion, follow a diet, eliminate steam baths and sauna).
The fixer after rhinoplasty: application features
The postoperative period after rhinoplasty is the time during which it is necessary to be very careful about the operated nose.
It is important to understand that even a light touch can damage non-accretive tissues.
To avoid this, during the recovery period it is necessary to wear special clamps after rhinoplasty, which can be in the form of gypsum langet or thermoplastic, which is attached with a patch.
Recently, gypsum dressings as fixatives after rhinoplasty are used less and less. Sometimes the swelling comes off quickly, and the langet has to be re-applied, which after the operation is quite painful.
Plastic retainers are more benign - a retaining bandage made of self-hardening thermoplastic is applied over the paper strips.
Also, as a fixative after rhinoplasty, hypoallergenic "breathing" paper patches can be used, which are applied to the skin of the nose, allowing you to control the immobility of the reconstructed elements of the middle section of the nose and tip. This material fixes the soft tissues of the nose for
- Also during the rehabilitation period , in order to preserve the shape of the nose, it is necessary to wear special intranasal tampons that absorb the secretions, thereby helping to reduce the swelling of the nose.
- More modern is the use of hemostatic sponges or silicone splints, which have air ducts. Because of this, after surgery, patients have no breathing problems.
- In addition, these materials are subsequently removed without serious consequences, as they do not stick to the nasal mucosa.
Fixatives and intranasal tampons are usually removed two weeks after surgery. The recovery time after surgery on the nose is directly dependent on compliance with the recommendations of the specialist and the method of rhinoplasty.