Prick after rhinoplasty: how to remove swelling
Rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery to correct the nose, which corrects any defects. But the desired result can not be seen immediately. One of the most difficult moments of this procedure is the postoperative period. Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty is difficult to endure, not only physically, but also psychologically. Severe puffiness is the main factor that bothers the patient and for the removal of which injections are used after rhinoplasty.
During the operation to correct the nose, the veins, arteries and capillaries are damaged: the skin on the nose is separated, then returned to its original place. Thus, the blood circulation in this place is disturbed, there is a strong swelling of tissues. Edema can be formed not only on the nose, but also spread to all parts of the face, especially the eyelids often swell.
Just distinguish between two types of edema: primary and secondary.
- Primary - appears already during the operation, most pronounced for
3-4 days, then goes into decline. On average, the healing process lasts up to fourteen days. - Secondary - manifested in the hardening of tissues at the site of the operation. The patient may experience difficulty breathing, nasal congestion.
The degree and process of healing of edema depends on the following factors:
- The complexity of the operation. Depends on features and scale of correction. With the complex correction of individual parts of the nose, the healing time is automatically increased. For example, if the surgeon only corrected the widely located wings of the nose, the edema would not be as significant as if rhinoplasty was performed, affecting the tip of the nose, the internal septum, cartilage and bone part.
- The skill and experience of the surgeon. Carefully done the manipulation - the key to less puffiness.
- The age of the patient. The healing process in humans deteriorates with age.
- Individual skin features. Thick skin contains more small vessels, which will take longer to heal.
When should I use the injection after rhinoplasty when removing puffiness?
Our body has the ability to recover on its own and sometimes it is useful for it to simply not interfere. Experts recommend to be patient and follow all the recommendations of the doctor. To reduce the swelling used a variety of ointments, gels.
When the situation does not change for the better, doctors recommend the use of special injections.
- Before resorting to additional drugs to reduce puffiness, consult a surgeon.
- If the healing process is slow, a drug that has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and immunosuppressive effects is injected into the area of edema.
- Thanks to the drug in the blood increases the level of glucocorticoids.
- This is a hormone that helps the body adapt to stress.
If the edema does not pass for a long time or the patient wants to speed up the tissue healing process, a special medicine is injected directly into the edematous site. The injection after rhinoplasty is administered using a small syringe and a thin needle, so this procedure is not painful. Immediately after the introduction of the drug, the edema may slightly increase, but already over the next day the swelling will significantly decrease.
Two groups of drugs can be distinguished: on the basis of hyaluronidase and stimulating the production of glucocorticosteroids.
Hyaluronidase preparations
They are widely used for pathological growth of connective tissue, they are also often used in cosmetology. The enzyme hyaluronidase increases the permeability of tissues, as a result, swelling and hematomas decrease and dissolve. The drug has an antioxidant, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect on the body. It stimulates collagen synthesis, reproaching the tissue healing process.
Hyaluronidase reduces the acute phase of inflammation, increases immunity and resistance of the body to infection. After rhinoplasty is used to prevent scarring or adhesions, as well as with a long healing process.
Preparations based on glucocorticosteroids
The effect on the body of these drugs is due to increased levels of steroid hormones. This is an anti-stress hormone that produces the body in shock situations, extensive blood loss and injuries. In addition, it increases blood glucose and has a mineralocorticoid effect: it increases the ability of tissues to retain moisture inside, increases the volume of circulating blood.
Glucocorticosteroids reduce the inflammatory process, suspend the action of tissue-destroying enzymes. They affect the body's metabolism, especially carbohydrate, protein, water and mineral.
Diprospan drug after rhinoplasty
Diprospan is an injection that has an anti-shock, antiallergic, immunosuppressive effect on the body. The rapid effect of the diprospan injection is noticeable due to the content of betamethasone disodium phosphate.
In addition, the drug stimulates blood formation processes: blood loss after surgery is replenished more quickly. Injection drug painless, does not require additional input of anesthetics. It is an effective therapeutic remedy in many cases.
The drug is administered intramuscularly or in place of edema. In case of removal of puffiness after rhinoplasty, local Diprospana will be more effective.
Positive aspects of using Diprospan after rhinoplasty:
- the drug is rapidly absorbed, has an immediate, intense effect.
- removal of edema, stopping the process of scarring.
- stimulation of blood formation.
Possible side effects of drug administration of Diprospan in the nose after rhinoplasty:
- development of osteoporosis due to the fact that the drug reduces the absorption of calcium in the intestine;
- loss of appetite and anxiety;
- reduces the body's resistance to infection;
- high blood pressure;
- weight gain;
- insomnia and agitation;
- atrophy and irregular menstruation.
In the case of prolonged edema after rhinoplasty, Diprospana injection has a beneficial effect. In order to avoid negative consequences from the use of the drug, it is necessary to correctly calculate the concentration and depth of the injection.
It is better when the injections are prescribed by the doctor who performed the operation. It should be remembered that after prolonged use, the drug should be discontinued gradually, by reducing the dose.