Face asymmetry: causes and differences from the norm

Face Asymmetry: Causes

A slight asymmetry in the body (expressed by imperceptible at first sight deformations or deviations in the left or right half of the human body) occurs quite often and is a normal ubiquitous phenomenon. As for the asymmetry of the face, such a disease can become a hotbed of severe discomfort, and psychological rejection of oneself can occur. A person will develop an inferiority complex, self-doubt.

Why does this disease occur? Does facial asymmetry cause heredity or is it congenital pathology and how can it be cured? We will try to maximize these issues.

Face asymmetry - norm or pathology

There are no fully symmetrical faces, and a small difference between the left and right half is considered acceptable. The person perceives it as a given or as a normal structure of the face. In order to understand whether this is a norm or a deviation, it is necessary to consider the differences between half of the face.

As a rule, the right side is wider, has sharp features. They can be compared with the male face design, the left side, on the contrary, has a soft, more feminine shape. Irregularity becomes noticeable if you take an approximate photo, and carefully consider it.

This asymmetry is called natural or individual. It does not have the nature of the disease and is considered quite acceptable for each person. Pathologies include too obvious contrasts in half of the face, a violation of natural proportions.

It can be concluded that facial asymmetry is the norm for every person. However, there are individual cases where it goes into the status of pathology.

The reasons

Some experts believe that the asymmetry of the face - the cause of bad heredity. In other words, a violation in the natural outlines of one of the parents or distant relatives. Also, pathology can be congenital, which is particularly difficult to treat.

The presence of pathology may be due to the individual structure of the skull or improper development of the fetus. Even in the womb of a future child, defects form in outlines and it is not always possible to predict this.

Causes can be acquired: after a trauma or in the form of complications after illness. For example, a fracture of the jaw apparatus, developing strabismus, a lesion of the facial nerve and much more.

Another important factor - facial expressions and gestures. If you repeat a habit every day (for example, chewing gum), then over time, it will certainly affect the structure of the face.

A more accurate cause of occurrence can be established only after a complete diagnosis, which is carried out in any hospital. You should not hesitate, because after the diagnosis, you can go directly to the direct treatment of the disease.

Eye Asymmetry: Diagnosis and Symptoms

Eye asymmetry

Diagnostics consists of two parts: visual and hardware inspection.

First of all, the specialist visually examines the patient, determines the neglect of the pathology, interviews the patient about how and when the disease was acquired. Next - an inspection for the presence of damage, injury, curvature of the jaw.

After that, deviations are measured using special instruments. As mentioned earlier, each person has a predisposition to asymmetry. On this basis, the doctor takes the most acceptable limits of deviation as the norm and compares them with the patient's data. A serious deviation is the difference of more than 3 mm and 5 degrees.

During the diagnosis, you may need the help of an oculist. Such kind of deviations as eye asymmetry is very often encountered. It is expressed by a clear squint or disproportionate positioning of the eyes. For example, one is higher, the other is lower. If the cause of occurrence lies in a neurological disease, then the presence of a neuropathologist is required in the diagnosis.

The patient is pre-sent to the dentist. According to medical statistics, over 70% of pathologies originate in deviations of the jaw. Defects in the location of the cheek and lips are formed from an incorrectly located jaw, the bite is broken. The front teeth may bulge slightly or, on the contrary, appear hollow. For complete credibility and successful completion of diagnosis, a complete neurological examination, roentgenoscopy of the skull and MRI of the face are performed.

Symptoms of face asymmetry

It all depends on what form of asymmetry is present in the patient: congenital or natural. As for the natural, the difference in the outlines of the face is hardly noticeable. Even an experienced doctor’s eye does not immediately find the difference between the right and left half of the face.

Congenital (or as it is also called - pathological) asymmetry has a pronounced character. The symmetry of the face is greatly impaired.

This can manifest itself in various aspects, such as:

  • Violation of facial gestures facial apparatus.
  • Asymmetry of the eyes, strabismus is broken, one eye is lowered or raised.
  • Deviations in the speech apparatus, inhibited or too fast, slurred speech, "swallowing" of some sounds or words.
  • Soreness during eating.
  • If the disease originated on a neurological basis, pain is present in the area of ​​the affected nerve.

At an earlier age (in children aged 7 to 12 years), the asymmetry manifests itself in unusually smooth outlines of the face (or their complete absence), a sedentary jaw, a tilt of the head in the direction of the lesion.

In general, the symptoms are purely individual and depend on many individual criteria. For example, even if it is a pathological disease, it can be aggravated by acquired diseases or complications after them. Any injury can cause deformation of any of the halves of the face, especially if it had a nerve damaged. It is necessary to carry out diagnostics in order to establish the original cause and take all necessary measures to eliminate this facial defect.

Lip Asymmetry and Treatment Methods

Quite a few diseases can provoke facial defects or become a factor in actively accompanying the development of the disease.

In general, here is a list of those diseases, after which a violation develops in the outlines of the face, lip asymmetry and other deviations:

  • Viral infections. As a rule, even harmless herpes can be a provoking factor. Especially it is necessary to be afraid of the protracted diseases requiring complex treatment. They become the initial cause of facial asymmetry.
  • Bacterial infections can adversely affect the facial nerve, thereby causing paralysis of a certain zone or a complete defeat of the mimic-gesture apparatus. Bright representatives include syphilis, diphtheria.
  • Meningitis.
  • Even diabetes can cause facial defects.

In general, any disease potentially threatens the face of a sick person. It is very important to quickly eliminate the aggravating factors that may cause further complications and become provocateurs for the emergence of asymmetry.


Acupressure facial massage As a rule, doctors do not recommend treatment unless there is a pronounced difference in the proportions and shape of the face. If, after the diagnosis, lip asymmetry or any other kind of facial defects were detected, it is necessary to proceed promptly to treatment or correction of the problem.

If the problem is hidden in the lesion of the facial nerve, treatment is performed in the neurological department of the hospital. To address this problem, use a variety of point massages, physiotherapy and much more. During treatment, the neuropathologist is obliged to examine the patient on a daily basis and, at the first improvements, change the operative intervention methods to rehabilitative or corrective.

It is necessary to explain what the feature of the correction is. Correction is not intended to treat pathology, but only to eliminate visual defects. For example, smoothing the muscles of the face and bringing them to its original position. Doctors advise men to grow a mustache or a beard to visually hide the defects of the chin or lips. Women - the correct selection of makeup. In general terms, the correction can be compared with plastic surgery without the direct intervention of a surgeon. The main task is to hide the flaws of the facial contours through natural intervention. Plastic surgery is applied only if the patient's speech is impaired, vision deteriorates.

There is also a special muscular gymnastics for the development of the jaw apparatus, the improvement of the mobility of stagnant muscles and the correction of the bite. The necessary treatment measures are prescribed by the doctor after diagnosis and determination of the exact cause of the origin of the pathology.

The face is the mirror of man. That is why impaired facial asymmetry can ruin life very much. Society does not always accept people who are not like the others, and in some cases start to simply ignore the pathologically sick people.

Of course, it is extremely difficult to gain courage and visit a medical institution for the treatment and correction of impaired facial asymmetry, because it requires considerable moral preparation. However, the longer the process of visiting the doctor is delayed, the stronger the internal complexes develop, the person rejects himself more and more. Do not delay with this, but act decisively.