Botox for the face: a description of the action of the drug, indications for the procedure and its advantages
Age does not spare anyone. Even with proper care, proper nutrition, active sports, the skin gradually becomes flabby, covered with small and deep wrinkles. Botox for the face - probably the most famous drug for smoothing the contours of the epidermal cover and prevent the recurrence of the unpleasant signs of aging. Injections of this medication are firmly established in cosmetology practice.
According to statistics, in 2006 alone, more than 11 million women used Botox for the face in America, and now this figure has increased, moreover, the stronger sex has increasingly resorted to this method of rejuvenation .
However, when patients learn what Botox is to the face, many simply refuse the procedure. The fact is that this remedy is nothing but botulinum toxin type A, one of the most powerful natural poisons. The disease that is triggered by this substance is called botulism. Even with appropriate medical care, it is deadly, as it causes paralysis of the muscles, and the person dies from the disruption of the respiratory tract and cardiovascular system.
In its pure form, botulinum toxin is undoubtedly deadly to humans, but for the manufacture of preparations used in cosmetology, highly diluted and purified poison is used, therefore its use is almost safe. Botox came to aesthetic medicine after a successful clinical application.
It was first used at the end of the 19th century to treat patients with involuntary spasm of the eyelids, later ophthalmologists prescribed injections of botulinum toxin and to eliminate strabismus. Currently, the drug has been used in neurology for the treatment of a variety of spastic conditions in adults and children. The possibility of its use for the treatment of various lesions of internal organs associated with impaired muscle tissue is also being actively studied.
Officially, Botox for the face was approved for use in aesthetic medicine only in 2002. And now abroad rejuvenating injections are offered in all beauty salons and even gyms.
There are two types of wrinkles. Some occur due to impaired blood flow in the subcutaneous tissue, aggressive exposure to ultraviolet radiation and other environmental factors, lack of moisture, age-related deficiency of collagen and nutrients.
Others are the result of muscle contraction, which is "responsible" for the live facial expressions when talking, expressing any emotions. Roughly speaking, contracting, the muscle fiber causes skin tension, and when it is relaxed, the epidermal cover returns to its former shape. Such changes are invisible at a young age when the skin is elastic enough. However, after 30-35 years, mimic wrinkles are becoming more noticeable, and it is against them that Botox acts on the face.
The principle of operation of this drug is closely related to the mechanism of neuromuscular transmission. Under the influence of impulses arriving through the nerve fibers, the mediator acetylcholine is released, which, combining with specific receptors on the surface of the nerve synapse membrane, causes muscle contraction.
Acetylcholine is transferred through calcium channels with the help of specific compounds, which are called transport proteins. Botox for the face blocks their connection with acetylcholine, thus causing paralysis of the facial muscles. In other words, the muscle simply stops responding to the “commands” coming from the nervous system.
However, this effect is reversible. Its duration is individual for each patient, and even an experienced cosmetologist cannot predict how long the result of the procedure for the introduction of botulinum toxin type A will last.
The indications for applying Botox to the face are any cosmetic defects associated with the active work of the facial muscles:
- "Crow's feet" in the corners of the eyes;
- creases around the mouth;
- asymmetrical eyebrows;
- longitudinal mimic wrinkles on the forehead and nose;
- neck creases;
- facial asymmetry caused by pathological muscle spasm;
- pronounced nasolabial folds.
The basis of the human blood vessel wall is also smooth muscle, so injections of Botox into the armpits, palms and feet are shown in case of hyperhidrosis (increased sweating). The basis of this violation are vegetative-vascular disorders.
Compared to plastic surgery, botox for the face has several advantages. Injections are much less invasive than the doctor’s scalpel, the list of contraindications and the risk of complications after such a procedure is minimal. The result of the injections is noticeable after the first visit to the beautician (as can be seen in the photo of women using this method of rejuvenation), except that for 1-2 hours a slight swelling on the face of the drug can be preserved.
The use of botulinum toxin in aesthetic cosmetology was approved after years of clinical research. Provided that the Botox dosage is used correctly and accurately calculated for the face, it does not cause any unpleasant consequences. In addition, according to experts, without being subjected to stress on the part of the contracting muscles, skin cells regenerate faster and are actively saturated with oxygen and nutrients.
Some patients relate to the benefits of the procedure and the reversibility of the action. This is a kind of guarantee of a return to the former appearance, if the result from the injections is unsatisfactory, or the procedure causes certain adverse reactions.
But despite the advantages of Botox, the botulinum toxin active component of this cosmetic product, if used improperly and ineptly, is sufficiently harmful for the body, not to mention the risk of infection of the injection site. Therefore, carrying out this procedure at home is contraindicated.
Botox injections: contraindications, possible complications, procedure
Now almost every cosmetologist makes an injection of this anti-aging drug, but even in low concentrations botulinum toxin remains a potent poison, so there are certain limitations to the procedure.
The main ones are:
- pregnancy and lactation;
- herpes sores;
- foci of inflammation or rash on the skin in the area of the introduction of the anti-aging solution;
- acute course of viral and bacterial diseases;
- exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
- the first six months after plastic or therapeutic surgery on the face or neck;
- taking certain medications (hormonal contraceptives, antibacterial agents, cytostatics, drugs to reduce blood clotting, large doses of NSAIDs), from the end of the course of therapy to Botox injections should take from 2 to 4 weeks;
- fever regardless of etiology;
- the first seven days of the menstrual cycle;
- ophthalmic diseases associated with spasm of the muscles surrounding the eye;
- lesions of the neuromuscular system;
- myopia, strabismus, astigmatism;
- malignant neoplasms, subcutaneous cysts;
- allergic reaction to the components of the drug;
- age up to 18 years, although experts recommend a procedure not earlier than 30-33 years.
Botox shots allow for a certain period to get rid of facial wrinkles and smooth the skin. But the cosmetologist warns the patient that the injections are usually accompanied by unpleasant sensations, in addition, after the procedure, slight swelling, hematomas and hyperemia may persist at the injection site.
The risk of other side effects depends largely on the qualifications of a cosmetologist. So, if you incorrectly calculate the dose and determine the injection area, violations of the symmetry of the face, drooping of the eyelids and eyebrows, complete disappearance of facial expressions are possible, which, when communicating, looks unnatural. Exceeding the recommended amount of the drug is fraught with headaches, manifestations of an allergic reaction, nausea.
To carry out such a procedure of rejuvenation, it is better to contact a proven clinic, where experienced skilled professionals practice.
Before you make Botox shots, the beautician carefully examines the skin of the patient's face. In some cases, it is necessary to pre-do peeling or other cleansing procedures. Sometimes the doctor warns that anti-aging injections are not enough to achieve the desired result. Therefore, a few weeks later, they recommend a mesotherapy session using hyaluronic acid and other similar preparations to even out the skin color, eliminate pigmentation, and solve other age-related problems.
The area where Botox shots will be placed is determined individually in each case. This is usually a zone of the forehead, the corners of the eyes, nose, lower part of the face. With the help of cosmetic milk removes the remnants of foundation, powder, removes makeup from the eyes. For convenience, the doctor marks the injection site with a contrast marker, disinfects the skin with an alcohol-free anesthetic, and using a disposable syringe injects the required amount of the drug into the muscle (to remove facial wrinkles) or under the skin (in the area around the lips, eyelids, to get rid of the symptoms of hyperhidrosis).
After the procedure, it is strictly forbidden to massage the skin in the area of drug administration, as this can lead to the spread of botulinum toxin to neighboring tissues.
In order to preserve the beauty of the skin and prevent the development of complications, the first 4 hours after the procedure should not be bent forward, and 2 days to go in for sports, 7-10 days after Botox shots were given, you should avoid prolonged stay under the scorching sun, visiting the solarium, baths, saunas, pool, use a hair dryer after washing your head. Also for 2 weeks is to stop smoking, the consumption of alcoholic beverages, salty and smoked dishes, an excess amount of liquid. In the process of skin healing after the injection, you should not use cosmetics, and creams suitable for skin care will be advised by a specialist.
Botox in the forehead and other areas of the face: the duration of the drug
On average, mimic folds disappear for about six months after botulinum toxin injections. However, in some women, the effect of the procedure disappeared after 6-8 weeks. The lack of a long-term result is associated with non-compliance with the doctor’s recommendations for skin care after Botox injections in the forehead and other areas of the face, drinking alcohol, and taking thermal procedures for several days after injections. Also, the duration of the effect depends on the individual susceptibility to the drug, the expression of mimic wrinkles, and the general condition of the skin. An important role is played by the quality of the medication itself, so you should not be tempted by too low a price, but use certified products from well-known manufacturers.
It is worth noting
According to experts, in some people, tissues begin to actively produce antibodies in response to the introduction of botulinum toxin, so continued use of the drug will not bring the desired effect.
If there were no complications after the course of rejuvenation, re-stabbing Botox in the forehead, neck, eye area and other areas can be 4-5 months after the previous session of rejuvenation. However, the effect of the injection can be extended by adhering to the correct diet and lifestyle, protecting the skin from exposure to sunlight and other aggressive environmental factors.
Anti-Wrinkle Botox: Injection Effect, Cost of Treatment
The rejuvenating effect of botulinum toxin injections is much higher than from the use of creams and other procedures from the arsenal of hardware cosmetology.
Naturally, Botox for wrinkles will not replace plastic surgery to lift the face , but its use is associated with a lower risk of undesirable consequences, although the result is reversible.
The first effect is noticeable 2-3 days after the rejuvenation procedure. In the future, the action of botulinum toxin increases and reaches a maximum in 3-4 weeks, and then gradually goes down.
The cost of injections depends on the amount of solution, which is measured not in the usual ml, but in active units. The price of one unit of Botox ranges from 8-10 dollars. On average, the correction of mimic wrinkles in the eyes, lips, nasolabial fold takes from 2-4 to 15-20 units of botulinum toxin. Up to 30 active units of the solution may be required to smooth the skin of the forehead.
Botox for wrinkles is an excellent alternative to plastic surgery, especially in combination with other facial treatments. However, the result from such injections is reversible and does not persist for long. In addition, the use of botulinum toxin requires an appropriate specialist qualification. Most patients are satisfied with the result of using Botox and the effect.