Effective facial skin rejuvenation up to 50 years
Beauty for girls and women plays a big role. And the youth of the skin in this case is one of the important factors. But it is not always possible to preserve the freshness and elasticity of the skin, prevent wrinkled manifestations and keep muscle tissue in good shape.
Therefore, the processes of effective rejuvenation of the skin of the face in modern cosmetology are becoming increasingly popular and necessary.
Many believe that up to 40 or even 50 years there is no need to worry about the aging process, but it is not. The skin, especially the skin of the face, is exposed to external influences every day: rays of the sun, wind, poor ecology, unbalanced nutrition, fatigue, and lack of positive emotions — all this significantly affects the condition of the skin and leads to its premature aging. In the end, it turns out that resort to methods of rejuvenating the skin of the face and have up to 40 years.
Effective procedures for the rejuvenation of the skin on the face are:
- The process of facial rejuvenation with a laser . The light beam has an effect of medium and deep destination on certain layers of the skin. As a result of the laser beam action, collagen fibers are produced in the skin. And, as you know, collagen is a stimulant of rejuvenation. In the course of such a procedure, the invasiveness, soreness or infectious contamination is completely excluded.
- Lifting - RF is considered an advanced radio wave technology. In just half an hour of the procedure, it is possible to tighten the skin of the face and get a wonderful result of the rejuvenation effect.
- The use of the thread method of suspenders . This option of rejuvenation will eliminate the presence of a second chin, express the clarity of the facial contours, smooth out wrinkles in the area of the nasal wings, cheeks and chin. During the procedure, threads of a certain design are inserted under the skin. These threads raise the fabric, thereby adjusting the contour of the face. After some time, the threads dissolve, and in their place remains a new collagen framework, due to which the elasticity of the skin is preserved.
- The use of Botox injections .
Effectively rejuvenate the skin of the face at the stage of life up to 50 years help cosmetics and drugs that are able to stimulate cellular work, increase their activity and the level of collagen production. Special gels, creams, lotions should be applied to clean skin.
There are also special serums for lifting at home. The composition of such drugs include biologically active substances that can smooth and smooth wrinkles. With regular use of such serums, the skin of the face becomes more dense and durable due to the high level of elastin and collagen production.
Ways and types of facial rejuvenation
In the modern world, the aging process can easily be eliminated and the skin of the face can be restored to its former youth, elasticity and beauty. The choice of procedures is quite wide, each of them has its positive aspects and distinctive features.
In the fight against stretch marks, wrinkles and pigments, scars and skin changes as a result of age, rejuvenation enters with a laser method. A distinctive feature of laser rejuvenation is the effectiveness and the rapid onset of the visible effect. Also, after such a procedure, there is no rehabilitation period, and the result obtained after the rejuvenation process is persistent and long. Laser energy in the form of infrared radiation contributes to the regenerative process of collagen fibers and simultaneous exposure to thermal radiation. The tolerability of such a procedure in patients is good. After laser rejuvenation, redness or swelling may occur, which disappear within a few days.
An effective way to rejuvenate the skin of the face is the method of mesotherapy, which is considered an injection method. The procedure consists in the introduction into the skin of patients of cocktails of a special composition, antioxidants and enzymes, microelements, amino acids, drugs of the embryonic type. Such mixtures fall into the deep layers of the skin and begin to produce collagen. As a result, improves muscle tone, wrinkles are smoothed, the skin becomes elastic.
There is a procedure for the rejuvenation of the skin of the body, which involves the removal of superficial areas of the skin layer. This method is divided into such types as:
- Mechanical peeling , which in turn includes the procedure of vacuum peeling, microdermabrasion. Through the use of special brushes, vacuum, you can reach the opening of the pores, their cleaning, improving blood circulation, eliminating wrinkles, improving skin elasticity, getting rid of dead cells.
- Ultrasonic peeling . For such a procedure, an ultrasound wave generator is used, under the influence of which it is possible to remove dead cells, restore skin elasticity and smoothness.
- Chemical peeling , which is divided into types such as superficial, deep and median. Surface peeling is used to remove the surface layer of the skin. During the procedure, use tartaric, citric, malic or other acid. For deep peels use such acids as carbolic and salicylic. Median peeling involves the use of trichloroacetic acid.
- Photorejuvenation . In this procedure, the luminous flux is used for the process of gluing the vessels under the skin. As a result of the vessel splitting process, the skin becomes smooth and elastic.
- ELOS rejuvenation , which involves the use of optical and electrical energy, which stimulates the synthesis of collagen. The result of the procedure is smooth and well-groomed skin of the face, elimination of wrinkles and pigments, getting rid of spider veins and scars, dark circles, edema and other facial skin defects.
Effective facial skin rejuvenation after 50
For women over the age of 50 years, there comes a difficult period for the state of the body, including for the skin of the face. During menopause, collagen and elastin cease to be produced and function in the skin. The activity of the sebaceous glands is also reduced, and the skin becomes thin and dry. The facial contours become swollen, sagging of the skin appears, the number of wrinkles of different types and depths increases.
Therefore, in cosmetology there is a certain number of procedures designed to effectively rejuvenate the face after 50.
You can spend laser rejuvenation . The method is characterized by deep penetration and effective impact.
The procedure is applied using a laser, when the laser flow is divided into most microbeams, and the action does not appear as a continuous spot, but is reticulate. As a result, tissues are subject to a regeneration process, the synthesis of collagen fibers is resumed.
For rejuvenation also apply the treatment of surface layers with the elimination of dead cells and the provision of full life for new ones. As a result, the correct metabolic process occurs in the skin, the cellular structure is updated, the facial tone improves, the skin becomes elastic and durable.
After 50 years for the rejuvenation of the face using the method using the effects of light pulses. This method allows you to smooth wrinkles, eliminate pigmentation, restore damaged cells, remove acne and improve the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
With the help of radiofrequency radiation, it is also possible to increase the level of collagen production by its deep penetration and increasing the temperature of the skin. This method is called the thermage method.
After marking 50 women are offered injection methods of facial skin rejuvenation using the following drugs:
- hyaluronic acid, which helps seal the skin;
- Botox and Dysport, blocking facial muscles.
In the process of rejuvenation, the introduction under the skin of small amounts of substances of natural origin:
- hyaluronic acid;
- collagen and elastin extracts;
- organic type acids;
- vitamin complex.
The choice of drugs depends on the individual characteristics of the patients.
You can also carry out the process of facial rejuvenation through the use of threads. Polylactic acid strands are injected into the skin. As a result, the shape of the face is corrected, contours are tightened, and a lifting effect appears.
The use of ozone rejuvenation for patients after the age of 50 is widely used. With the help of ozone therapy they achieve a stimulated metabolism, blood circulation, elimination of dead cells, improvement of skin color, wrinkle smoothing and renewal of the subcutaneous structure.
After 50 years, a circular face lift is applicable. The operation involves the use of general anesthesia. Around the perimeter of the oval face, incisions are made through which the surgeon tightens the skin. In the end, the face regains its beauty and youth.
It is also recommended to monitor proper nutrition to improve the composition and condition of the skin at that age, get rid of bad habits, apply masks at home with components such as oatmeal, yeast, vegetables and fruits, honey, lemon. You should not forget about cleaning the skin with the help of washing with herbs or special lotions.
In addition to all of the above methods and types of facial skin rejuvenation, peeling procedures are used at home with the help of cosmetic means. Also use masks and compresses based on natural ingredients or medicines. For facial rejuvenation, a special massage, as well as physiotherapeutic methods are used.
Such a method of effective rejuvenation of the skin of the face after 50 as a treatment with leeches is also common. These creatures are able to improve metabolic processes, smooth the skin and give a natural color to the face.