How satisfied are you with your own appearance?
I am completely satisfied with my appearance.
There are a few flaws in my appearance, but I am working to eliminate them.
I am absolutely not satisfied with my own appearance. Because of this, I feel an insecure and inferior person.
Do you have serious flaws in appearance? If so, how did they come about?
No, there are no strong flaws in my appearance. Those that are can be corrected with the help of sports and proper nutrition.
Yes there is. They were obtained from injuries (car accidents, natural disasters, etc.)
Yes there is. These deficiencies are congenital.
Do you accept yourself as you are?
Yes, I have achieved / achieved complete harmony with myself / myself. I am not tormented by internal conflicts.
In general, I live in peace with myself, but stressful situations can knock me out of the rut, and then all the fears and complexes gain strength, and it becomes difficult for me to cope with them.
I almost always feel dissatisfaction with myself.
When watching TV, magazines or news on the Internet, do you compare yourself with any of the famous actors or singers? What do you think about it?
No, I never compare myself with them, do not even have such a thought.
Sometimes I compare myself with one celebrity or another, similar to me in height, build, or facial features. At the same time, I very rarely feel disappointed by this similarity, because I understand how much work a whole team of professionals puts into their images.
I constantly compare myself with famous people, and from this comparison I fall into depression, the difference between me and them confirms all my complexes.
When they give you compliments about your appearance, what feelings do you feel?
I like it when they give me compliments, my mood rises from this, I feel complete satisfaction with myself and with my appearance in particular.
I am embarrassed and feel that the compliments are exaggerated and not deserved by me.
The compliments addressed to me seem to me a mockery and an attempt to veil me in a veiled way.
How dangerous do you think plastic surgery is?
I believe that a plastic surgeon should be contacted only in extreme cases, because any operation is potentially dangerous.
I believe that plastic surgery, like any other medical intervention, is dangerous, but all the risks are justified.
Plastic surgery is an easy and quick way to get rid of your own shortcomings and complexes.
After what events did you think about plastic surgery?
I do not consider the option of plastic surgery as long as there is a possibility of solving all problems with appearance in a less radical way.
After the injury, when I realized / understood that other ways to correct the situation do not help.
From my youth I wanted to change my appearance with the help of a plastic surgeon.
Do you think plastic surgery will change your life?
Plastic surgery will eliminate the shortcomings of appearance, but I do not think that this will affect my inner state and my life.
Plastic surgery will help me eliminate physical defects and make me feel more confident in myself.
Plastic surgery can dramatically change my life: thanks to her, I will become a confident and successful person. I will gain popularity and recognition.
Do you think that success in your personal life depends on a person’s appearance?
A pleasant appearance is, of course, good, but mutual understanding, mutual respect and love are the most important in relations.
As they say, they are met by clothes, so a good appearance is needed to start a relationship.
Beauty is the key to a successful personal life.