Vaginal reduction: a popular procedure for women after childbirth

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Intimate plasticity covers a lot of ways to correct the vagina, but all of them are united by one goal: giving the vagina the correct anatomical shape and reducing discomfort in women (both physical and psychological). It is the resizing of the vagina that allows it to return its prenatal form and is an important step towards a qualitative improvement in the sex life of both partners.

The reduction of the vagina is carried out properly, for several reasons, among which the main one is the increased size of the vagina after childbirth. During the period of labor, the vagina stretches about 7-8 times its normal size. Then, due to metabolic disorders, the muscles of the vagina can not come in tone, and the size - back to normal. As a result, there are violations of sexual activity and serious psychological discomfort in women.

The reduction of the vagina is necessary to restore the function of internal genital organs. There are several reduction options, including suturing, narrowing and other types of intimate plastic surgery.

Inelastic, increased size of the vagina negatively affect the quality of sex life and cause:

  • cystitis;
  • omission of the vaginal walls;
  • prolapse of the uterus.

Only a competent, qualified gynecologist will prompt the optimal solution in each specific situation. The decision on the operation is made only after a detailed inspection and delivery of all analyzes.

In some cases, an internal examination with an ultrasound scan is required. This is necessary for a real assessment of the state of the walls of the internal genital organs. Only on the basis of a comprehensive analysis, decisions are made about the possibility of reducing the vagina by surgery.

Vaginal contraction is performed on the threshold, i.e. the operation is primarily necessary to strengthen the entrance to the vagina. In the process of surgery, the upper layers of the vaginal ring are affected exclusively, and if there are tears during the delivery, the scars are removed after them.

The operation is usually performed under general anesthesia. The duration of the operation is no more than an hour.

  • For six to seven days after the operation, vaginal contraction can only be allowed to lie down or walk.
  • Sitting in order to eliminate the influence of pressure on the vagina is prohibited.
  • Up to two months to have sex is also prohibited.
  • After the operation, any physical activities, trips to the gym, swimming pool and fitness centers should be excluded.

Like all types of surgery, operations to reduce the vagina have their own contraindications. There are the following main contraindications:

  • diseases of internal genital organs;
  • serious pelvic abnormalities;
  • oncology;
  • grade 1 diabetes ;
  • cardiovascular disease in the acute stage.

The cost of such an operation is quite high, but the price includes all the necessary steps, that is:

  • consultations;
  • anesthesia;
  • cost of postoperative care.

Vaginal closure: why and how to spend

How is the correction of the vagina Vaginal closure does not replace the classic intimate plastic of the vagina and is not very popular among women due to its low efficiency. As a result of the suturing of the vagina, a narrow entrance to the vestibule is obtained, but after the vestibule the width of the vagina does not change. Thus, only partial narrowing of the vagina is achieved.

It is impossible to perform the closure of the vagina throughout its length: no author’s surgical technique, not a single modern operative method makes it possible to do this with an absolute result, since the vagina cannot be completely separated from the rectum on the one hand and the bladder on the other, by returning it then to the original place.

In other words, this operation along the entire length of the vagina cannot be performed in terms of the anatomy and physiology of the female body.

The opinion that vaginal closure can only be done after childbirth is not true, as today there are several different methods for girls who have given birth and who still have no children.

The need for this operation for the latter category is due to various reasons, which include:

  • structural features of the internal genital organs;
  • dramatic weight loss, that is, when the fat pad is absorbed, the internal genitals can dramatically lower;
  • metabolic disease due to illness.

Contraindications for suturing the vagina are the same as in the previous case. And just as important to comply with all the recommendations of the doctor during the rehabilitation period. That is, sexual rest bed rest and complete elimination of physical activity. All this is necessary so that in the run-up to the vagina a neat but firm scar will be formed. Only in this case, the closure of the vagina can be considered successful and effective.

The operation to narrow the vagina to restore the sharpness of sensations

Before and after vaginoplasty - recommendations The weakness of the vaginal walls is manifested in the form of a loss of elasticity and a decrease in sensation during sex. The first sign of a decrease in the elasticity of the vaginal walls is a sharp release of air from the vagina with a characteristic sound during sex. In other words, this is the first "bell" to which you need to pay attention and begin to engage in at least physical exercise. But still a more reasonable solution is to consult a qualified doctor in a timely manner.

Surgery to narrow the vagina are among the most popular operations for intimate medicine among women over 30 years old. Stretching the vagina can significantly reduce feelings during sex for both partners, which is the main reason for the surgery. In addition, women in the period after menopause, as well as those who have undergone treatment for cervical cancer, resort to this type of surgery.

On the other hand, quite often, at the consultation stage, women refuse to perform this operation, because in most cases they mistakenly estimate the size of the vagina according to partners. Having addressed the problem to a specialized clinic, a woman, first of all, needs psychological support.


Even at the consultation stage, a competent specialist will help women adequately assess their physiological state and make a rational decision. Only after studying the tests and gynecological examination, the doctor will give a realistic assessment of the state of the internal genital organs of the girl.

The operation to narrow the vagina is performed under general anesthesia, after which the stay in the hospital takes two to three days. During the operation, part of the vaginal walls in the perineum area are removed, after which the vaginal muscles and skin are sutured.

The condition of a woman after this type of operation is as close as possible to the state after dissection of the perineum during labor. There are exactly the same pain and the same mechanism of healing of the seams. As a rule, the healing process is at least 10 days. It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that during one and a half or two months after the operation during sex there can be painful sensations that are observed due to tightened sutures. Over time, the seams become more elastic, they stretch and these sensations completely disappear.

The operation involves the use of painkillers and antibiotics for three to four days after surgery. Most patients assess the level of discomfort as a state of moderate severity, the effect remains almost constant, and the sutures are resolved independently.

Modern methods of correction of the vagina

Vaginal septal removal Vaginal correction is also quite popular surgery in the field of plastic intimate surgery.

The reduction or contraction of the vagina surgically does not always allow you to restore the elasticity of the muscles and even more so ordinary exercise practically does not work with postpartum injuries and age-related changes.

The loss of elasticity of the vaginal walls is a case that women prefer to remain silent than talk, despite the prevalence of this problem.

If a woman responds positively to at least one of the questions below, consider the possibility of correcting the vagina and at least make an appointment with a specialist.

  • The walls of the vagina on sensations during intimacy lost elasticity?
  • The partner is not satisfied with his own feelings during intercourse, although everything is normal with his health condition?
  • Were there trauma and tears during labor?

Vaginal correction will help solve these and many other problems quickly and reliably. Modern correction methods can be carried out in a non-surgical and practically painless way. For example, the method of laser plastics is quite popular in advanced clinics, in which surgical intervention is practically excluded.

This method began to be widely used in our country only a few years ago with the aim of returning bright sensations during sexual intercourse. In addition, it solves, if necessary, the problem of stress urinary incontinence. Only 2 sessions, and you will forget what “vaginal relaxation syndrome” is!

Laser correction of the vagina is an effective and reliable painless way to reduce the volume of the vagina and return sensuality to the vaginal tissues. In fact, during the procedure, thermal impulses are transmitted to the vaginal walls, as a result of which collagen fibers are reduced to most of their length. This reduction does not pass without a trace for them: they increase in volume, that is, they become thicker and shorter.

Thus, they are compressed according to the principle of a spring, but only this “spring” will not expand due to the process of formation of new collagen. It is important to remember that the mucosa is not exposed to surgical methods of exposure.

Laser correction is the least traumatic way to reduce the size of the vagina, but it is not suitable in all cases. The main indications for the procedure are the following reasons:

  • relatively small decrease in elasticity (the degree of reduction is determined by the doctor);
  • genital prolapse (external enlargement of the vaginal walls);
  • atony of the walls of the internal genital organs (lack of tone);
  • sexual dysfunction.

Whatever method of reducing or correcting the vagina you choose, remember that only a practitioner can choose the really effective option in your case.

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