The main possible complications after vaginal plasty

Stitches after vaginal plastics Vaginoplasty is a well-established and fairly common operation in the field of female intimate plastics.

The age of patients from 25 to 55 years. Helps to eliminate a number of problems in the intimate sphere, reduces and restores the structure of the vagina.

The most possible complications after vaginal repair occur during the first week. Within 5-7 days, the appearance of small bleeding and a slight increase in temperature.

It is important to follow all medical recommendations to avoid seams of discrepancy and infection.

After the operation, the following complications are possible in patients:

  • Hematomas . Usually they pass without any additional treatment. But the occurrence of pain with a concomitant increase in the area of ​​hematomas is a reason for an urgent appeal to the surgeon.
  • Pain sensations . May occur in about two weeks. Pain medications are prescribed to eliminate the pain.
  • Edema can be observed throughout the week . Usually runs independently.
  • In rare cases, asymmetry of the labia can occur . To avoid this, you need to strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor and comply with all restrictions.
  • Scarring The appearance of scars is possible with excessive proliferation of connective tissue in the area of ​​the seams. Depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Consequences of vaginal plastics and benefits

Vaginoplasty helps with problems such as excessive vaginal volume, the presence of scars in the vagina (after childbirth), and urinary incontinence.

In addition to physiological defects, the operation helps to get rid of psychological discomfort and low self-esteem. A number of patients resort to this operation for aesthetic reasons, due to congenital features or age-related changes.

Consequences of vaginal plastics are more positive. Vaginoplasty helps to improve sexual relationships, because the increased volume of the vagina prevents the intensity of sensations due to the loose fit of the vaginal walls to the penis. Vaginal plastic helps to return to a full, rich life, improve relationships in a pair.

Scars that remain after stitching of gaps in the process of labor interfere with full sensations. The entrance to the vagina after the healing of the stitches remains wider, as a result, the woman sometimes loses the ability to receive pleasure from sexual intercourse.

It is interesting

Plastic vestibule of the vagina is carried out to narrow the entrance to the vagina. The existing scars are excised, the vagina is given the appearance that was before birth. The operation solves not only physiological problems, but also aesthetic ones.

Vaginoplasty reduces the size of the vagina, eliminates urinary incontinence, the prolapse of the vaginal walls. The operation is the prevention of possible complications associated with an increase in the volume of the vagina.

Recovery and sex after vaginoplasty

Recovery after vaginoplasty The main limitation is abstaining from sex after vaginoplasty for 2 months. Moreover, it is worth noting that even sexual arousal during the 1st month after the operation can lead to edema and discrepancy of the stitches. This is due to blood flow to the genitals during arousal. In the second month, restrictions apply only to vaginal sex.

The advantage of vaginoplasty is a quick recovery and relatively painless rehabilitation period.

  • The first day after the plasty is recommended to be in the hospital, it is impossible to be in a sitting position. The sitting position is not recommended for 10 days after surgical procedures.
  • For 5-7 days, painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs and vaginal suppositories are used.
  • Stitches are treated with antiseptic solutions after each urination.
  • To speed up the healing and avoid the inflammatory process impose wipes with ointment "Levomekol."
  • For the rehabilitation and speedy healing in the vagina for 2 weeks, insert special candles.
  • To avoid pressure on the stitches, the frequent emptying of the bladder is recommended, after 2-3 hours, even without the urge.
  • Defecation should be only on the 3rd postoperative day, fecal masses should be semi-liquid. For this, a special diet is observed.
  • In no case should not allow constipation, for this it is recommended to use daily vegetable oils.
  • The diet is necessary for 2 months, excludes products that prevent excessive gas formation, contributing to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure.


The use of modern materials allows not to resort to such an unpleasant procedure as the removal of sutures. Used when suturing the vagina, the threads dissolve themselves.

Hygiene procedures are carried out only under the shower. Within 14 days visiting baths, saunas, swimming pools, swimming in water is completely excluded. During the month, physical activity and sports are prohibited. For 1 year after plastics, the weight of lifting weights should not exceed 5 kg.

Compliance with all necessary regulations and restrictions speeds up the process of recovery after vaginal repair.

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