Plasmolifting in gynecology: features and principle of action, indications for use

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For fast recovery, elimination of the inflammatory process, as well as general rejuvenation of the body, modern medicine offers several procedures, one of the most effective among which plasma-lifting is considered to be.

Statistics of this method of treatment shows that more than 40% of patients already after the first plasma-lifting procedure have a positive effect on the body.

Despite this, to really achieve improvements from this technique, experts advise to conduct several of its courses.

How does plasma-lifting work in gynecology

Plasmolifting in gynecology is used in complex medical therapy to accelerate the process of tissue repair, as well as the relief of the inflammatory process.

The essence of this method lies in the fact that the patient is injected with plasma of her own blood, which will be enriched with platelets. It is important to note that in contrast to narrow-profile drugs that affect the specific cause of the disease, the use of plasma-lifting in gynecology contributes to the recovery of organs as a whole. That is why doctors advise to combine this therapy with the use of drugs to enhance the therapeutic effect. Photos, price and reviews of this procedure can be viewed on the Internet resources.

Advantages of the method over analogues

Plasmolifting system is based in such a way that today it is considered to be one of the safest procedures. During its holding the patient has a minimal risk of side effects and allergic reactions as well.

Moreover, for the reason that plasmolifting in gynecology does not use foreign impurities, the probability of human infection is very low.

Additional advantages of this manipulation are:

  1. The ability to use the procedure, both independently and in combination with other methods of treatment.
  2. There are no special training requirements.
  3. There is no need for hospitalization of the patient.
  4. Painless procedure.
  5. The ability to use for various gynecological diseases, as well as other disorders of the reproductive system.

Indications for the procedure

It is recommended to practice plasma lifting in gynecology in the following cases:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the pelvis.
  2. Spikes.
  3. Various dystrophic pathologies.
  4. Cervical erosion.
  5. Incontinence of urine, as well as frequent urge to urinate.
  6. Dry vagina during menopause in women.
  7. Hormonal disorders that are accompanied by discomfort in the genitals.

Plasmolifting in gynecology: what it is, the results of the procedure and features of

In most cases, the practice of plasma-lifting in gynecology shows positive results of treatment. Due to the powerful bio-stimulating effect, after the introduction of plasma in patients, cellular metabolism improves and the development of microbes that negatively affect the vaginal microflora is suppressed. With this procedure, the outflow of blood is activated, the mucous membrane of the vagina is moistened, the inflammation is reduced, and the capillaries improve their permeability.

How is the procedure

Plasmolifting in gynecology, what a person can find out on medical portals has the following pattern:

  1. Initial examination of a person for genital infections, hepatitis and HIV infection.
  2. Examination and consultation with a doctor. Also, be sure to pass a complete blood count.
  3. Collection of 60 mg of blood and placing it in a centrifuge to obtain plasma. After that, it will contain useful platelets, proteins and vitamins that provide cellular renewal.
  4. The finished substance is injected into the cervix and vaginal tissue. It does not require anesthesia or anesthesia. In case of hypersensitivity, only lidocaine spray can be used.

What it is, plasma-lifting in gynecology, can be described as an injection treatment with your own plasma, which requires a course. On average, women need 5-10 procedures to improve their condition .

Contraindications to

Plasmolifting in gynecology, that the patient can find out in more detail about this from the attending physician, cannot be performed during pregnancy, as well as lactation. Moreover, this procedure is contraindicated in violation of blood clotting, individual intolerance to heparin, cancer pathologies and acute infectious lesions. With caution, such treatment should be practiced in case of mental illness.

Plasmolifting in gynecology: patient reviews, possible complications, risks of side effects and expert advice

Procedure for women Complications, as well as negative side effects after plasma-lifting develop quite rarely. This can happen because of non-sterile procedure.

In this case, the patient may develop infection and suppuration. There is also a risk of activation of hepatitis or herpes, which before the procedure was in a “dormant” state in the blood. Allergic reactions are less common. A reasonable choice of clinic and specialist can reduce the risk of side effects.

Restrictions after the procedure

Plasmolifting in gynecology, reviews of which are mostly positive, require the implementation of a number of rules after its implementation. Thus, within a few days after the procedure, a woman needs to give up intimate intimacy.

It is also important to wash every day with liquid baby soap. For blotting the intimate area is better not to use a rough towel. Instead, it is better to use disposable paper towels. During the month after the procedure, it is forbidden to visit the swimming pool, bath or solarium to reduce the risk of complications from treatment.


Plasmolifting in gynecology, reviews of which can be read in the numerous patient forums, is increasingly practiced every year.

The following comments from women who have previously postponed a similar procedure will help to better understand its effectiveness:

  1. Anna “I have repeatedly applied plasma lifting in cosmetology and have always been pleased with this procedure. When I had gynecological problems, after the doctor's permission, I was given plasma-lifting to eliminate vaginal dryness. The effect was great. In five procedures I managed to completely get rid of the problem. ”
  2. Vera "Plasmolifting in gynecology, reviews of which I have repeatedly read in the Internet forums, helped me cure cervical erosion. Before that, I struggled with my illness with drugs, but they did not have the desired effect. On the advice of the doctor, I agreed to the plasma lifting and did not regret it at all. ”
  3. Elsa “I suffered from inflammation of the vagina for a long time after my infection. This condition was accompanied by pain and discomfort. After plazmolifting, my state of health improved a little, but the preparations helped me to completely get rid of the illness. I think that plasma lifting can only be used as an adjuvant therapy. "

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