Plastic walls of the vagina: features of the conduct and indications

Vaginal wall surgery Vaginal wall plastics (or colporrhaphy) is a surgical procedure for an anatomical defect in the vaginal wall. Every woman wants to be perfect, even in such sensitive issues that vaginoplasty will help to solve.

In order to choose a method of treatment, it is necessary to thoroughly examine in the hospital where the operation will be performed. Only a qualified doctor will diagnose and determine further tactics. The main thing is to entrust your health to professionals.

As with any operation, plasticity of the vaginal walls is performed according to the following indications:

  • violations of the normal anatomical structure and functioning of the vagina due to heavy birth , which were complicated by ruptures and stretching of the walls;
  • mechanical, chemical, thermal injuries;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • loss of elasticity and tone of the tissues due to age;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • congenital malformations in development;
  • not dosed physical activities.

Also indications for plasticity of the vaginal walls are cicatricial changes that lead to non-physiological narrowing of the vaginal entrance, urinary incontinence during sneezing, excessive laughter, cough, exercise, moral discomfort of a woman due to aesthetic defects, changes in sexual behavior, sexual relationships, congenital anomalies, injuries, fistulous passages.

There are also absolute contraindications, such as : diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2, psychiatric disorders, inflammatory diseases in the body, venereal diseases, hemophilia, chronic decompensated diseases of the cardiovascular system, aggravated allergic anamnesis, acute thrombophlebitis.

There are two main types of vaginoplasty: plastic using the patient's own tissue, which is performed for the plastic of the anterior wall of the vagina, strengthening the pelvic diaphragm; plastic with implants: to strengthen the walls of the vagina with a prolapse or omission.

Features of the anterior and posterior vaginal plastics

There are anterior, posterior and mixed (anteroposterior) colporhaphy. Plastic posterior vaginal wall is carried out, respectively, in the back wall. In the process of excision of the mucous membrane, the muscles of the internal organs become closer to each other, which leads to a decrease in the size of the vagina.

Posterior plastic does not lead to the appearance of postoperative scars, since only mucous tissue is excised. Reducing the size of the entrance to the vagina occurs only at the expense of the surface layers of the mucous, also strengthen the ring of the entrance to the vulva.


During childbirth, which was complicated by perineal rupture, first pre-dissection of scars, and then proceed to the colpoplasty.

Treatment of sutures after plasty of the vaginal walls During plasty, general and epidural anesthesia is used. Each patient, before she will perform the operation, should be in a healthy state, undergo preliminary laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, consult an anesthesiologist about the tolerability of the drugs, pass a general and detailed blood test, urinalysis, ECG, do not take food the day before operations.

Anterior colporrhaphy (plastic of the anterior wall of the vagina) is aimed at reducing the volume of the vagina, fully restoring the elasticity of the muscles of the vagina, strengthening the muscular frame. It takes place under general or local anesthesia. The choice of anesthetic remains for the doctor, after a thorough survey.

Anterior-posterior plasty of the vaginal walls is also performed if necessary for general reinforcement.

After surgery, the patient must stay in bed for four days with constant medical supervision. The postoperative period after colporrhaphy is approximately 2–3 weeks.

During this time it is necessary to follow the following recommendations:

  • do not overload the body with physical exercise, eliminate the bike;
  • not to visit baths, saunas, solariums;
  • reduce the number of hot baths taken, take a shower at 5-6 days after surgery;
  • remove foods that can cause constipation from the diet;
  • it is strictly forbidden to take a sitting position for 10 days;
  • every day to carry out therapeutic douching of the vagina with antiseptic agents as prescribed by the attending physician;
  • take special medications to restore the vaginal microflora;
  • not to have an active sex life for 1.5-2 months;

How to handle the seams after the plastic walls of the vagina?

After vaginoplasty is performed, it is necessary once every 3-4 days to be examined by a doctor regarding the treatment of operating sutures. With strict adherence to all prescriptions of the doctor, the operation will bring the expected and positive effect. All appointments should be taken seriously.


Properly performed colporrhaphy allows you to achieve the following effects: restoration of bladder function, strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, remove post-partum stitches, restore the shape and size of the vagina.

At first, after discharge from the clinic, temporary discomfort during movement is possible. In the presence of small hemorrhages do not worry, as this is due to an invasive effect on the tissues of the genital organs. Perhaps a temporary decrease in the sensitivity of the skin or erogenous zones, it will pass as soon as the postoperative wound heals.

Permanent complications of surgical intervention include scars, infectious complications, which may lead to a slight increase in the overall temperature.

The first 5-7 days must be taken by the doctor prescribed antibiotics, as well as perform the necessary hygienic procedures throughout the period of rehabilitation. Once a day, it is necessary to treat the sutures using an antiseptic prescribed by a doctor (for example, chlorhexidine, furatsilin, Miramistin).

In addition to colporrhaphy, modern medicine, and in particular plastic surgery, has made it possible to carry out a laser version of the plastic of the vaginal walls, which is a less traumatic intervention.

A large number of women who had colporrhaphy were satisfied with the result of the operation. This technically rather simple surgical intervention eliminates a lot of psychological and aesthetic problems. Plastic surgery will allow you to permanently protect yourself from pain and complications, and also leads to the creation of aesthetics of the genital organs, which will make any woman more confident and liberated in sexual life.

In the conditions of the modern world, women are aware and are no longer afraid of such surgical intervention as plastic surgery of the vagina.

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