Vaginal rejuvenation: new methods of correction

Indications for vaginal rejuvenation procedure

In connection with lowered collagen, involutional changes of the genitals begin with age. Today it is possible intimate rejuvenation of these organs, both external and internal. In addition, the cause of this pathology may be some features of the body, disease, childbirth, surgery, etc.

Vaginal rejuvenation has great potential for correcting not only physiological defects, but also aesthetic ones. Changes such as a decrease in collagen synthesis expose some organs to their weaker action, as well as to the loss of tissue elasticity in the vaginal area.

As a result, some symptoms may appear, such as involuntary urination, constant dryness inside the vagina, which provokes inflammation of this organ, decreased libido, discomfort during sex.

After birth, the woman there are significant changes in the area of the external genitalia and vaginal mucosa. Such changes occur as a result of a change in the hormonal background of the woman. In addition, during childbirth, perineal tears often occur, so you have to stitch up.

New correction methods

Consider some ways to eliminate such defects in intimate places.

With the help of intimate contour plastics, you can correct many defects:

  • Correction of irregular shape of labia or flabbiness, filling volume, giving increased tone.
  • If the vagina is too wide, its size is reduced, removing, at the same time, the problem of "squishing", which makes sexual intercourse more restrained.
  • This procedure can increase libido, as well as give vivid sensations during sex.
  • Dryness is removed in the vagina and humidity increases. The tone of the muscles of the hip part is normalized.

Conducting laser intimate rejuvenation does not last long, and the results are still quite high.

The procedure is used in such cases:

  • Treatment of mucosal atrophy inside the vagina. Elimination of dryness and moisture in the vagina.
  • Smoothing of scars after childbirth.
  • Removed flaws in the genital area outside.
  • Correction of the vaginal walls in the initial stage of omission. Treatment and recovery of the vaginal mucosa, as well as the functional recovery of the labia for women age category.

It is important that the laser procedure does not focus only on the decision of aesthetic problems, but also to strengthen the quality of work of the vulva. This technology is considered safe and is used without hospitalization of the patient. The course of therapy is up to 4 treatments with breaks of 1 month. Rehabilitation lasts one week. During this period, sexual intimacy is not permitted.

With the existence of various techniques without surgery, sometimes you have to use a scalpel.

Intimate plastic surgery is prescribed in such cases:

  • too large labia;
  • obvious omission of the vaginal walls;
  • involuntary urine.

Vaginal rejuvenation is prescribed in such cases:

  • appearance inside the vagina unbearable itching and burning;
  • unanticipated bleeding from the cavity;
  • unexpected urine;
  • childbirth complications;
  • existing infection.

aesthetic factors

In some cases, patients require aesthetic assistance in the correction of the genitals.

These factors include the following problems:

  • there is no satisfaction during sex;
  • no more wet contents in the vagina;
  • the tone of intimate zones is lowered;
  • during intercourse pain is felt.


Any procedure for vaginal rejuvenation has the same contraindications. And the main one is not an accurate diagnosis of the disease of the reproductive system. Contraindications include suspected infection or a tumor, as well as unexplained causes of blood flow from the vagina. In addition, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, genital rejuvenation cannot be performed.

Laser vaginal reduction and possible risks of the procedure

Laser vaginal reduction

Today, modern medicine through the use of laser vaginal rejuvenation is able to solve many issues of concern to women. It is known that many changes with the use of surgical intervention require a woman some restrictions after surgery. For several weeks, she should not sit, and should also refrain from sexual intercourse.

The big advantage of laser correction of the genital organs is that after the procedure you can lead your everyday life without sustaining a long rehabilitation period. Therefore, women often turn to clinics to do a procedure such as laser vaginal reduction.

Main manipulations

Modern medicine offers several new technologies of intimate rejuvenation: colporrhaphy, the use of special threads, laser correction, changing the size and shape of the labia.

Of the above methods, the simplest is intimate rejuvenation of threads. During the procedure, a special biomaterial is inserted into the vaginal walls. In the future it may be replaced by collagen strands which promote tissue density, whereby the volume of the vagina becomes less. Women believe that this procedure helps them to feel more arousal during sex.

Intimate contour plastics procedure

This method is used with the help of drugs containing hyaluronic acid. The procedure is similar to that produced by the human body. This product has rare qualities to eliminate the inflammatory process inside the cells of the body. The whole procedure is carried out in a short time using local anesthesia. At the same time, the procedure is completely safe.

Laser Reconstruction Procedure

On the Internet you can find a lot of reviews about the effectiveness of therapeutic laser. This technology has long been used in cosmetology, as well as in the treatment of scars after surgery. Nowadays, there is a unique laser installation, which was created specifically to solve intimate problems. Thanks to this technology, the risk of blood loss and the appearance of side effects is significantly reduced.

Rejuvenation by lifting plasma

Modern medicine also offers lifting using its own plasma. This method of adjusting the genitals can perfectly replace hormone therapy. However, with all the efficiency of this method, it has some side effects, and contraindications typical of this case.

This procedure is performed using platelet-rich plasma. The authors of this method claim that it can solve many problems in the field of gynecology. Plasma rejuvenation of the vagina has indications such as cervical disease, active chronic diseases, modification of point G.

Intimate plastic procedure

Vaginal rejuvenation

There are cases when a woman requires correction of the genital organs with the use of surgical intervention. For this, there is an intimate plastic technique. Such operations are performed with local anesthesia. It is painless and does not have any side effects. At the consultation, the doctor will tell you in detail about how your external genitals will look after the operation.

It should be noted that surgery in the region of the labia has its advantages. In this case, the number of minor injuries is reduced to a minimum the risk of inflammation of the vaginal mucosa is reduced. In addition, the patient increases libido, does not feel any discomfort during sexual intercourse, as well as the opportunity to wear more sexy clothes.

Possible risks

Such a procedure as laser vaginal reduction may have some risks. Of course, any medical therapy is accompanied by experiences. In this case, physicians guarantee the reliability and effectiveness of the event.

Lasers have been used in gynecology for more than 30 years. During this time, the procedure has managed to gain popularity and all new customers. Laser technology is not used during severe inflammation of the pelvic organs, with a suspected malignant tumor, low blood clotting, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

At observance of all appointments of the doctor, procedure of vaginal rejuvenation bears the minimum risk of any complications . All such operations are performed on the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the genital area. Such procedures are considered simple.

After the procedure for rejuvenation of the genital organs, as a rule, no trace remains. The mucosa heals quickly due to the fact that in this area a good blood flow. The swelling disappears after a week. But for this you must adhere to the recommendations of the doctor.

After surgery, be sure to observe bed rest for 3 days. It is possible to return to sexual relations not earlier than in 2 weeks. Also, you can not engage in physical labor and sports. After these procedures, it is better to refuse to take hot baths and visit the baths. In addition, vaginal rejuvenation surgery does not subsequently affect the course of pregnancy and childbirth.

It should be noted that the views of many experts that benefit or harm the reproductive organs rejuvenation procedures differ. Some conservatives even claim that vaginal rejuvenation is not so harmless, as they say proponents of these methods. However, there is still no evidence that such procedures are harmful to women.