Kinds of plastic surgeries that will help make your appearance better

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There are many surgeries that help doctors make the image of the patient more attractive.

You can change almost any part of the body and make it perfect, trusting an experienced surgeon.

New discoveries in this area have changed plastic surgery beyond recognition, and its capabilities are simply amazing.

It seems that for her there are no impossible tasks, since any part of the body can be changed and improved.

This section of surgery, which with the help of surgery eliminates defects of organs and tissues on its surface.

The types of plastic surgery are conventionally divided into two main ones:

  • Reconstructive surgery deals with the elimination of defects of tissues and organs, both congenital and acquired. Thanks to such operations, a person can return to a full-fledged life and feel healthy. They are often carried out for medical reasons. This type of plastic surgery is used to correct defects of the mitral valve of the heart, nasal septum and eye problems caused by an excess of skin of the upper eyelid.
  • Aesthetic surgery is the use of plastic surgery methods to correct the appearance. With it, each person can get rid of the shortcomings of his body, which he does not like, and improve the quality of life.

Studies in different countries show that the world is dominated by operations associated with non-invasive intervention (shots, injections, polishing, peeling). These procedures are widely used for the rejuvenation and prevention of skin aging. In second place is plastic face, hair and chin.

Plastic surgery to change the shape and size of the mammary glands and liposuction occupy the third place. Each country may have its own tendencies, such as, for example, a change in the shape of the buttocks in Brazil or a penis in Greece.

The demand for certain types of plastic surgery is directly related to the standards of beauty adopted in a particular region.

There are people who do plastic surgery is undesirable:

  • the presence of psychological diseases;
  • pathological desire for perfection of the face and body;
  • people who can not stop and do plastic surgery many times.

These are categories of people who need a good psychologist, not a plastic surgeon. They remain almost always dissatisfied with the result, and their problems only aggravated by this, no matter what types of plastic surgery they performed.

Types of plastic surgery - the opportunity to become more beautiful for everyone

The medical discoveries brought plastic surgery to a whole new level. What one could only dream of earlier is now successfully applied in practice.

Various types of plastic surgery are created so that a person can achieve perfection of his body. Regardless of whether he wants to correct congenital defects or acquired. Every day, scientists are looking for new methods to make operations easier, and the result is better.

Plastic surgery: what aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries are

Types of plastic surgery

Plastic surgery is an opportunity to make your body more attractive. To take advantage of it or not, everyone decides for himself.

There are many people who have entrusted themselves to professionals, and this has made them happier, because some physical disabilities can greatly lower the quality of life.

Of course, in everything you need to comply with the measure and listen to the doctor's advice, these types of plastic surgery are shown to you or it is better to refrain from them, since there are a number of contraindications that can lead to complications after the operation during the rehabilitation period.

The types of plastic surgery and their brief description will help you know what kind of surgery on which parts of the body is possible.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows about the opportunities that he has to achieve beauty. Human life sometimes presents unpleasant surprises, and our body loses its attractiveness under the influence of special conditions and external factors, and there is nothing wrong with the desire to regain its former beauty and remove the defects that interfere with life.

  • Hair transplantation is an extreme measure for baldness, when other means of preserving and restoring hair are ineffective. No one is immune from hair loss, neither men nor women, and if this happens, sometimes only their transplantation can correct the situation.
  • Mammoplasty (breast surgery) will help women correct the shape of the mammary glands. No matter how beautiful your breasts are in their youth, their shape changes over time. The force of gravity, pregnancy and breastfeeding, hormonal imbalances and weight jumps can change its appearance beyond recognition. Sagging, stretching, loss of shape and elasticity can make it far from ideal, and beautiful breasts are the pride of any woman and a guarantee of attractiveness for men.
  • Abdominoplasty and liposuction (tummy tuck ) is performed to correct the abdominal area. During surgery, excess fat and skin is removed. A circular incision is made near the navel and on the bikini line. Its implementation requires a certain level of skill from the surgeon, since it is important to observe symmetry when sucking fat deposits.
  • Gluteoplasty is a complex of plastic operations aimed at changing the volume and shape of the buttocks. Volumes are increased with the help of silicone implants, when playing sports do not bring the desired result. If the buttocks are lowered and the folds under them are smoothed, a lift of this part of the body is shown.
  • Brachioplasty deals with upper arms. It is prescribed when the skin in the area from the shoulder to the elbow has become flabby and hangs ugly when raising a hand. This operation helps to restore the tone of the forearms and their lost beauty.
  • Cruloplasty and femoroplasty are operations that help your feet achieve perfection. By these names is meant the plasticity of the legs, as well as the tightening of the inner side of the thigh.
  • Labioplasty corrects defects of the labia minora in women, corrects their size and shape.
  • Hymenoplasty ( hymenoplasty ) is performed by women at will, whatever their motives.
  • Vaginoplasty (vaginal plasty) is one of the best-selling operations in intimate surgery, as many women experience changes in the vagina after childbirth. The correction of this part of the body will not only return the natural attractiveness of this zone, but also resume its functionality. After vaginoplasty, the sexual sensations of both partners become more intense and brighter.
  • Phalloplasty (plastic of the penis) is an operation to partially or fully restore the penis, as well as its urinary function. Through surgery, you can correct its size and thickness, remove the effects of injuries and abnormalities of the penis.
  • Platysmoplasty (plastic neck) is shown with an excess of skin in this area, the presence of excess fat and loss of muscle tone of the neck. The first signs of aging appear in this zone, it is not surprising that many people want to correct its appearance, since the cosmetic effect after the operation is very noticeable.
  • Paniculectomy (skin tightening after weight loss ) is an operation that will help eliminate loose and sagging skin on the abdomen after a sharp and significant reduction in body weight or pregnancy.
  • Torsoplasty (combined plastics) is used to eliminate the problems posed by skin that has sagged after a sharp or very large weight loss. Performing an operation that covers most areas, such as the sides, abdomen, hips, and back, requires a certain skill and experience from the surgeon, as it is one of the most difficult plastic surgeries.

Reconstructive plastic surgery with massive external lesions can return a person to normal life after serious injuries, burns, accidents or birth defects. Experienced surgeons can repair or stitch severed organs and limbs. These are the most complex operations that are performed under a microscope.

To conduct them, the material is taken from another zone of a person, a donor or an implant. In case of massive lesions, it may be necessary to apply more than one type of plastic surgery and to carry out a large number of operations, how many they will need to be done, the doctor will tell you after a physical examination.

Types of plastic surgery on the face

Types of facial surgery Everyone, whether he admits this to himself or not, wants to be beautiful and to be liked by others. Our face is like a business card, it is first noticed when we meet.

What is the beauty of it?

Famous surgeons have concluded that the true attraction lies in the correct proportions between the cheekbones, eyes and lips.

If they have the desired size and shape, and are also harmoniously positioned relative to each other, then others will perceive the person’s appearance as attractive or even beautiful.

External data at birth are not always ideal, and with age they are also subject to aging, so there are people who decide to turn to a plastic surgeon to correct the flaws of their face and make it more attractive. To know how you can improve your appearance, there will be more information about what types of plastic surgery on the face.

  • Ritidectomy (facelift, facial rejuvenation) has become a real discovery in plastic surgery. Signs of aging sooner or later appear in every person, and it’s quite natural to get rid of deep wrinkles on the forehead and neck, as well as nasolabial folds and “crow's feet”. With the help of rhytidectomy, you can restore the beauty and elasticity of the skin. The success of this operation is in the skill of the surgeon, the absence of a mechanical effect on the skin of the face at first, and the ability of the body to recover after it. This is a cardinal and very effective method that will help erase the signs of aging from the face.
  • Frontlifting (eyebrow and forehead lift) - this surgical operation is shown to people who have lowered eyebrows, an excessive amount of upper eyelid skin, lowering the tip of the nose, wrinkles at its base and the presence of deep transverse furrows on the forehead. Frontlifting can be performed both by the classical method and endoscopic. With it, youth returns to the face, and age-related signs of fatigue are effectively removed. Frontlifting is used to achieve the effect of facial rejuvenation.
  • Blepharoplasty (blepharoplasty) is an operation aimed at eliminating the defects of the appearance of the eyelids and the area around the eyes. This zone is most sensitive and subject to age-related changes. With the help of blepharoplasty, excess skin is removed, and fat is redistributed or removed, so-called eye bags disappear. The operation can be performed at any age, but most often it is a period of 35-40 years.
  • Rhinoplasty (nose surgery) will help not only to improve the appearance of the nose, but also to restore its functionality lost for various reasons. Rhinoplasty is one of the most difficult operations in plastic surgery. It is very important to find a good surgeon who is a master of his craft and can meet your expectations. Not all surgeons can masterfully perform all types of plastic surgery on the face.
  • Septoplasty is an operation that eliminates the curvature of the nasal septum. In addition to the aesthetic effect, it is justified in terms of health. This defect is present in many people; in difficult cases it interferes with normal nose breathing. Therefore, septoplasty is often prescribed for medical reasons.
  • Cheiloplasty (lip plastic) is a plastic that corrects the shape of the lips and their size. Whether it is a congenital feature of them that does not satisfy the patient or the age-related loss of their bulk, experienced surgeons, after making a correction, can make this facial feature much more attractive.
  • Mentoplasty is a plastic surgery that corrects the shape of the chin. It can be both increased and decreased, depending on what needs to be done to form the correct proportions of the face. With this operation, you can drastically change the image, because a beautiful chin is an important part of it.
  • Paint plastic is an intervention that changes the shape of the cheekbones. It can be both reducing and increasing. The surgeon gets the necessary access to the cheekbones and jaw, both from the side of the mouth, and making an incision in the temporal region and behind the ears. It is possible to install prostheses from solid silicone, if you need to add volume, or bone tissue is simply removed by active grinding, if it is necessary to reduce it. Previously, the operation was done more women aged for visual rejuvenation, now it is carried out and young girls who are dissatisfied with flat cheeks.
  • Cervicoplasty is a plastic surgery to restore the contour of the neck and chin, often combined with the removal of excess fat deposits, skin tightening and excision of its excess, as well as tightening the subcutaneous muscle. Most often, cervicoplasty is done to men and women aged 40-50 years, after its implementation one can observe very noticeable improvements in the external appearance, and the remaining scars from the incisions made are practically imperceptible to others.

Which of the plastic surgeries suits you best will be prompted by a specialist, since it is too critical for a person to relate to his appearance.

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